Julia Uplegger
Julia loves experimenting and freedom: whether artistically, or when climbing a rock face. In her adopted home of Leipzig, the typographer and type designer lives her love of letters to the brim.

© d.nietze-fotografie / www.dnietze.com

Julia Uplegger is a communication designer with a passion for typography, book and typeface design. Her creative path began with a bachelor's degree in communication design and led to a master's degree at the Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Kiel. She expanded her skills in experimental and type design through her studies, a study abroad programme in the Netherlands, internships, agency experience and various projects.
Since 2021, Julia has been working as a freelancer. As art director and curator of Typodarium, an international publication with typefaces from over 250 type foundries from over 34 countries, she works in close collaboration with Raban Ruddigkeit and the publishing house Hermann Schmidt. Her work has been featured in PAGE magazine and presented at events such as the Typostammtisch in Hamburg and at the tgm in Munich. During her studies Julia started her collaboration with Albert-Jan Pool and Antonia Cornelius, developing the font families Altona & Alison.
Julia sees design as a dynamic and experimental process: she focuses on developing innovative and customised solutions to bring an individual identity to life. With courage, depth and an open approach, she dedicates herself to every project, striving to think outside the box in order to discover new perspectives and creative freedom. Julia is convinced that conscious design makes all the difference when it comes to creating sustainable solutions and inspiring others.