Jürgen Schwarz
Jürgen really enjoys the diversity and possibilities in the field of
communication design. In his projects he is always looking for new
challenges and never chooses the same way twice. If he is not designing,
he is probably spending time in the kitchen and doing some bakery — he
is nearly famous for his “Vanillekipferl”.

Photography © Kristian Barthen
In 1999, when Jürgen Schwarz visited the Ortwein School of Art and Design in Graz, communication design became a passion for him. After more than four years working as a graphic, exhibition and editorial designer in Austria, he sought distant shores — and went to Germany.
In Würzburg (BA) and in Potsdam (MA), he deepened his specialist knowledge and worked as a freelance designer for select projects. The two universities offered him the opportunity to develop his enthusiasm for type and typography; and this resulted in him working with Jakob and designing the typeface Muriza, released in 2014. From 2015, Jürgen has worked as a designer specialised in corporate, packaging and signage design. He considers type and typography essential elements in his professional practice.